Home > VIN Registry > Netherlands > 136564


VIN: ZFFDT57B000136564
Year: 03/2004
Ext. color: Giallo Modena
Int. color: Black leather/alcantara
Stripe: Yes (aftermarket)
Shields: Yes
Lexan windows: Yes
Radio: Yes
Rollbar: Yes
Fire extinguisher: Yes
Additional info: yellow calipers, yellow stitching, before 06/2009 on German plates HER-F360, imported to the Netherlands in June 2009, now on dutch plates 53JKT7
06/2009: registered on dutch plates 53-JKT-7


June 26, 2011by AutoGespot
June 26, 2011by AutoGespot
June 26, 2011by AutoGespot
June 26, 2011by AutoGespot
June 26, 2011by AutoGespot
May 18, 2011by AutoGespot
May 18, 2011by AutoGespot
May 18, 2011by AutoGespot
May 18, 2011by AutoGespot
May 18, 2011by AutoGespot
April 23, 2011Photo by me
April 23, 2011Photo by me
April 23, 2011Photo by me
April 23, 2011Photo by me
April 23, 2011Photo by me
April 23, 2011Photo by me
April 23, 2011Photo by me
April 23, 2011Photo by me
July 5, 2010by AutoGespot
July 5, 2010by AutoGespot
July 5, 2010by AutoGespot
May 10, 2010by AutoGespot
May 10, 2010by AutoGespot
May 10, 2010by AutoGespot
May 10, 2010by AutoGespot
May 10, 2010by AutoGespot
May 5, 2010by AutoGespot
May 5, 2010by AutoGespot
May 5, 2010by AutoGespot
May 5, 2010by AutoGespot
May 5, 2010by AutoGespot
April 25, 2010by AutoGespot
April 25, 2010by AutoGespot
April 25, 2010by AutoGespot
April 25, 2010by AutoGespot
April 25, 2010by AutoGespot
November 7, 2009by AutoGespot
November 7, 2009by AutoGespot
November 7, 2009by AutoGespot
November 7, 2009by AutoGespot
November 7, 2009by AutoGespot
October 4, 2009by AutoGespot
October 4, 2009by AutoGespot
October 4, 2009by AutoGespot
October 4, 2009by AutoGespot
October 4, 2009by AutoGespot
July 16, 2009by AutoGespot
July 16, 2009by AutoGespot
July 16, 2009by AutoGespot
July 16, 2009by AutoGespot
July 16, 2009by AutoGespot
July 16, 2009by AutoGespot
July 16, 2009by AutoGespot
July 16, 2009by AutoGespot
June 21, 2009by AutoGespot
June 21, 2009by AutoGespot
June 21, 2009by AutoGespot
June 21, 2009by AutoGespot
June 21, 2009by AutoGespot
June 8, 2008by AutoGespot
June 8, 2008by AutoGespot


August 4, 2009by jorrie2
July 5, 2009by cvdzijden

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